Sauna YES
Jacuzzi YES
Day Pass $ 8.00
Locker $ 15.00
Standard Room $ 20.00
VIP Room $ 32.00
Pool YES
Showers YES
Internet YES
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Open 24 Hours
Reviewed 09-15-2019
This is a gay sex club, but I am one of the few heterosexual males who used to visit this place. I stopped going here after the new renovations a year or two ago. Used to be you could put your dick inside the glory holes there and on the other end it was at a person's mouth level, so you knew you were getting a blow job. After the renovations all the holes were at the crotch level, so you never knew if your dick was being sucked by someone or was being entered into someone's ass. Stopped going there after someone backed his bare asshole onto my dick. I love a dick in anybody's mouth, but if my dick enters an asshole, it better be of a female's. Plenty of condoms are provided free of charge and they have a nice hot tub to relax in.
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