
Hey Watch Out for TS Ruby (she's a fake AND violent)


07/11/2012 02:04 pm

Hey I went to meet TS Ruby who (from her photos) was SUPER HOT...I get to this hotel and she won't meet me in the lounge but tells me to come up...I had a phone call I had to take so I take it and she calls during the call. I couldn't take the call so call her back and then she starts bitching (wah wah wah wah wah)...I say, "Hey I'm IN the hotel, can I see you or is that it?" She complains that she called twice and says come up...I'm thinking, "Woah, what's up with that? She BETTER be hot..." I get up there and she's maybe passable, but NOT HOT AT ALL...and then I just try to explain to her, like, hey, I'm leaving, your not the TS in the photo. She starts bitching, "Give me MY $$$" I say, "No, I'm leaving." She repeats, "Give me MY DONATION" I start leaving and then she sucker punches me in the right side of my head and her damn ring scratches my head!




07/12/2012 01:45 pm

why didn't you have her arrested ?


07/12/2012 05:12 pm

Interesting...but let's see...I'm Army...if I was a violent person, her arm would have been torn off...but I'm not that way...AND she sucker punched me anyway as I was walking out the door...

So 'having her arrested'? Don't think so...my ear was 'hot' at worst and the stupid ring that cut my head was just a scratch...I'm just saying...pressing charges means getting involved with a deeply conflicted person...I have no need or no business with trying to correct someone else's problems or issues. I just want others to be forwarned!

Clearly, I was there to have some company with (according to the fake pics) a fantastically gorgeous transexual...that didn't happen...I'm not certain of anyone who'd want to go down that road...of making a bad situation worse...so I'm just passing the 'bad news' on so that as this TS Ruby travels, 'customer beware!'

I'm just awfully sorry for the anger and violent tendencies of some people. If they are unhappy THEY SHOULDN'T BE IN THE ESCORT BUSINESS. That's my take on the whole thing...but thanks.


08/11/2012 10:36 pm

U Need to leave those insane people alone. Chloe


09/04/2012 10:20 am

Chloe, the problem is...it's hard to know who's insane and who's not...

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