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09/07/2010 12:53 am

posts: 0

A very reliable source told me that several of the posts about the fat and old ladies working there , was not true . I have seen alot of the ladies that work there , although I haven't seen them all . The ones that I have seen were all 35 or younger . Most were in their mid 20's and smokin' hot !!

The reason for the bad posts , it's girls at other spas and some indies . It only makes sense . We have seen this kinda stuff before . One spa or girl is getting all the attention , the others get jealous , and try to hurt their business by posting bad reviews . That will free up customers that they might get .

09/07/2010 08:29 am

posts: 0

Hey Redskinzzfan, what spa is this? There is no spa linked at the top of your post, so we do not know what place you are talking about.

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