Postings from NYC Mongers

In 'New York City Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by healer123

Incorrect credentials.
02/08/2013 06:00 pm

posts: 0

Did anyone notice that there are limited if any postings from the Capital Damn World i.e. NYC!!!! I wonder why, could it be poor management on the part of this elite site OR could it be something else....stay tuned.
02/08/2013 06:52 pm

posts: 0

The capital is DC
02/08/2013 07:00 pm

posts: 0

StrokerAce wrote:
The capital is DC
The Capital of the World is NYC...DC is the pits absolutely sucks like this site
Klem 1
02/08/2013 07:43 pm

posts: 0

Kinda like your punctuation.
02/10/2013 12:38 am

posts: 0

You haven't seen me for a while 'cause I finally decided NOT to renew my vip status....I didn't realize that I could still send messages, post comments, etc so here I am....Fact is...other sites offer more for East Coast
mickster 1
02/10/2013 01:20 pm

posts: 0

Looks like Spahunters is hot. Something is up?
02/10/2013 02:13 pm

posts: 0

I don't get the coded language on Spa hunters. It's a shame because I like the way people correspond on this site, the honor among mongers if you will...just go tired of only finding say-one review a week of a place that I could actually get to. I'm finding rub maps an acceptable middle-ground, but I'm not crazy about Nicosia (cyprus) on my credit card bill....and I've found it hard to correct errors, post in the forum etc. .... if only this cite had better participation...Meanwhile...I was happy to find the "mickster rule" (of signage and service) violated at Song Shun II on 64th and Lex on Fri.
02/10/2013 02:28 pm

posts: 0

Re SH,,,At first I thought AS you did but you can read between the lines and if you look at the 2 message boards you will get all the specific info that you want, real specific.
This site is not "hungry" any longer and I worked for the site and set up NYC, gridded it to areas, by neighborhood, worked for 5 days and got stiffed so I have a personal beef.
My 2 friends and I are toying with the eye of opening our own site. Rubspot is a carbon copy of this site but is incorporated in Cyprus so it is almost impossible and too expensive to take legal action. Shame because it used to be pretty good site but as far as NYC goes it sucks
02/10/2013 11:56 pm

posts: 0

Adukt search is the owner of Erotic MP
02/23/2013 07:38 pm

posts: 0

02/28/2013 09:17 pm

posts: 0

What happened to NYC Mongers?
Answer: They have all joined Spahunters
03/02/2013 03:13 pm

posts: 0

Healer...if spahunters is all that, then why are you being a fuck tard on EMP?
03/02/2013 07:46 pm

posts: 0

Fuck Tard? .... Indeed... My reason is because I am attempting to fuck the owner of this site by making him see the error of his ways. One can not fuck another without eventually getting fucked in return. The less people that post on this site the possibility increases that the owner will realize that he can not fuck good customers and not pay for it. If you look at my profile you will note that I was a big contributor .... but... no longer. NYC is big business and lack of postings hurt the bottom line
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