
In 'Minneapolis Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'


Incorrect credentials.
06/22/2013 02:24 am

posts: 0

What a total joke rubmaps is....If any of you are thinking of joining it....DON'T! I have been on it as a premium member now for 3 days, and have had most of my comments deleted by the owner of the site im guessing...cause I may have mentioned once or 30 times how fake everything is....mis matched info, and completely wrong info...btw...the owner writes false reviews aswell of save your 15 a drink or a restaurant meal.....give to your mt....or find a 14.99 hooker and have at it! But dont give those fucktards your money...peace!
06/22/2013 11:11 pm

posts: 0

Thanks for the heads up, sure took one for the team. I think most of us are a little eager for something good to appear in the twincities again and we'll piss money away on anything that MAY give us some info as to where we could go.
06/25/2013 02:51 am

posts: 0

when I get back to my HQ I'll become their worst nightmare ....Fucktard indeed.
06/25/2013 04:01 am

posts: 0

a few weeks ago Rubmaps was hacked. took them 2 days to straighten it out. they claim it was done by a competing site
06/25/2013 06:33 pm
06/26/2013 12:12 am

posts: 0

Looking forward to that v...indeed!
06/27/2013 06:50 pm

posts: 0

Well I made it a whole 7 days before I saw that crazy spikey gray haired areobics lady in my head say.."STOP THE INSANITY"!!!!! What was her name again? Joan? Anyway I just cancelled my suscription to rubmaps....I dont know if I will be able to utilize that site for the remainder of the month, or will be shot down on it soon......I have never gotten a free membership here...but 10 dollars a month is a steal to chat with u fine folks...some of whom I hope will grace my cock someday...others....not so much!! Take care ya'll.......I think Paula Deen and Michael Richards shared a couple glasses of bourbon back in there day...while eating one of her 22,000 calorie butter and heavy cream desserts...the use of the "n" word is strongly prohibited!
06/27/2013 07:03 pm

posts: 0

That PC stuff is way beyond reason IMO. She said it like years ago & fuck Walmart for ditching her they're just as bad as she is.
Throwing away entire skids of electronics because one box has a dent? Do they donate it? Nope they throw it away. In a landfill.
06/28/2013 01:00 am

posts: 0

I was at Walmart this evening and they had a whole endcap of Paula Dean cookware, and I used the "N" word tonight to describe a total "N" word. Bitch is still ugly as fuck though
06/28/2013 01:43 am

posts: 0

I love how this forum posting went from serious talk of rubmap you all jumping in on my smear the queer slandering party! You are all my friends now! Hahahahaha
06/28/2013 01:47 am

posts: 0

And I'm using "smear the queer" to refrence you all jumping in on the the old football game....and not giving a homosexual a dirty sanchez!
07/01/2013 08:43 pm

posts: 0

So here is my update......I am back to being a pee-on newbie basic member already....the cheap fucktards as myself and ms.dynamite have pointed out couldn't even extend me the reach around courtesy of letting me stay as a premium member for my full 30 day membership.....I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't get billed again.....cause that would be as smart as trying to saw off your own legs with a plastic butter knife!
07/01/2013 08:45 pm

posts: 0

Ohhhhhhh....fuck's my 100 forum post! Hehehe!
07/20/2013 01:59 pm

posts: 0

For some reason I'm back on rubmaps as a premium.....maybe he read this and let me finish out my 30 days....or maybe I hadn't signed in..... anyway...the last couple reviews have been correct and not fake.......we will see what else comes about.
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