First and foremost thanx to all u sweethearts for keeping me unreviewed!
I appreciate all of you! just want to inform you im taking time off now!
no more 12+ hr day at work!
I will be available with in 1 hr! also im back at the other location as well
individual thanx to (sorry if i didnt name u all)...
#1 The sweetheart who ate seafood with my boss & I my boss and I.The first one i actually agreed to meet from EMP..... hope ur doing great!
#2 the one with the gentle eyes! we laughed at the I phone app! guess what im finally getting an i phone!!!!! still havent seen forks & knives but i did order it
#3 the adorable sweetheart who say my pic looks like a pot leaf! u gave me the biggest laugh! im glad u gave the place a 2nd chance and meet me!
#4 my beautiful indian man every session with you has been my pleasure!
#5 the cutie who said im like a celebrity
! i really needed that
#6 the one who said you are very opinionated but also very very sweet and wish we meet sooner!
id name 3 more but some people u dont have to thank they already know!
If it where not for someplace closing i would not have meet some of you great friends!
ne who the next few months im available 24 hrs as always! but now i need an hr notice! Im Spending much needed time with my family
I look forward to many more great time with you all!
my website will contain my updated info in a week!