AES and EV are DOA

In 'Detroit General Talk'

by Gozno69

Incorrect credentials.
12/31/1969 07:00 pm

posts: 2

Both sites were ordered down by law enforcement last week due to possible illegal activities.

The admins of both were arrested along with a 3rd party who was involved with both sites.

Rumor is the charges won't stick but the sites will be down for the durration of legal proceedings.

More details can be found in the Free Press and News.

Since they are gone for the time being, let's jump on the band wagon here!
11/30/2011 09:15 pm

posts: 1

AES and EV?
12/28/2011 06:35 am

posts: 1

That explains me not being able to get on. any suggestions on where to find ladies till then? how about up north?
02/05/2012 04:05 pm

posts: 1

Any suggestions about the ladies on this site. Im lookin for someone honest, willing to travel and reliable.
03/04/2012 04:17 pm

posts: 1

What were this sites full names mind me asking
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