Korean Gift and Gratuity Etiquette

In 'Detroit Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by ZombieB

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12/28/2010 04:46 pm

posts: 0

Anyone know what the proper procedure for giving gifts is in Korean culture? Any gift ideas? I'm also wondering about tipping manners.

Once or twice I've given a tip to a girl after the session while presenting the money with both hands, because I read that was a more polite way to give a tip. The girl seemed a little phased but smiled and accepted anyway.

Recently I read that you should only do that with gifts, and cash gifts must always be in white envelopes with their names on it. Woops? I don't know their real names and I can't write in Korean anyway! Plus I read that tipping is discouraged in Korea? Don't get that one. Also realized I've never tipped/gifted a Mamasan and that might be a good idea too.

So anyway, I've just been tipping western style (one handed, folded money, no bowing) since. Seems fine, but with the Holidays I've been thinking about gifts and so on. What to give, how to give, how much to give, that kind of thing. Basically I'd just to be a little more generous and polite. Especially for the holidays and their new year when it comes around in Feb.

So whatever knowledge you guys have on the niceties of being nice with Korean (or other Asian) gals is much appreciated.
12/28/2010 07:17 pm

posts: 0

Actually that was fascinating and a huge help, Tremolo! I don't really understand the reasoning behind it all (why red is good for packaging but not ink) but I'll take your word on it. And you're right, it's probably not necessary since a lot of girls are used to our customs and culture. But I was thinking it might just be nice to be nice anyway. Plus I just find this stuff interesting.

You're spot on about the compliment thing. I've experienced that with just about every girl. Never understood it. I'll keep trying though! And I'll watch out for giving any $44 dollar tips/cash gifts too. I think I might just stick with the fruit basket & loose tea approach this year.

Thanks again, buddy.
01/23/2011 03:17 am

posts: 0

One thing to remember, the 3 big holidays in Korea are Chineese New Year (Fe Buddas birthday (May-June) and Chu Sok (Thanksgiving)in Sept. Christmas is gaining popularity as more Koreans are now Christians. Notice I gave a month and not the day. The Chineese calendar fluctuates yearly and there are variances due to it being a lunar calendar with usually 13 months. As far as presents small is good and the fruit thing is REALLY good to due at Chu Sok, one key thing though- Only give smooth fruit (apples, asian pears, oranges)- No fuzz like on peaches or kiwis! Not sure why, it was never explained by my girl, which is weird, she could buy me/ I could buy her kiwis- she loved them, but I bought some to take to a friend and she freaked! On the bowing a slight bow is ok, don't overdo and try to not use your left hand, except underneath.If you have a regular favorite and want to make some major points, find out when Chu Sok is from a local Korean market and bring her 5 or 6 asian pears. The 4 thing is for certain- I lived on the 4th floor and it was labeled 5th. If you want to do some small jewelry a small jade necklace works pretty good and most of the Korea Ladies I've known are very fond of stuffed animals. I gave one a small stuffed Red teddy bear (in Korea) and I was the king for months!
02/15/2011 12:30 am

posts: 0

Interesting side note: Naomi from Sunrise must be very acculturated. She accepts gifts with both hands, no bow, and opens it right in front of you. I guess etiquette isn't that important sometimes.
02/15/2011 07:49 pm

posts: 0

I give my 2 favorite girls gifts and they dig in right in front of me. They also gave me a birthday present and made me open it in front of them, so you just have to figure out each indivdual girl
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