Really F-ed up question

In 'Parkville Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by cal_20904

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09/26/2011 10:26 pm

posts: 0

Girl friends son - basically my step-son, had some really bad dating experiences when he was (about) 16.
How F'ed up would it be if I took him to an AMP?
09/27/2011 07:28 pm

posts: 0

depends on if he tells his mom. If he doesn't it would be something nice to do.
However it could backfire in your relationship.
10/03/2011 05:45 pm

posts: 0

Cal, We have laws in our society for a reason. Some laws are a bit screwy, for sure; but, they can be addressed via legal processes.

How old is he now? I would NOT (emphasis on NOT) even think about intorducing him to AMPs until he is at least 18, which likely is the age of consent in MD. I have friends whose careers or businesses have been ruined by misconstrued relationships with minors. I strongly recommend respecting the letter of the law regarding minors.

Regarding his bad dating experience(s), try talking to him about them; understand what happened; and try to help him get beyond it. Dating is very healthy for young folk if handled properly. A lot depends on the backgrounds of the parents, which is the foundation for the teen offsprings. If you and his Mom are not comfortable discussing with him, consider private counseling. Of cousre, I have no details regarding the situation; but, I would hate for him to grow through adulthood with anykind of limitations.

Practicing therapy without a license. :-)
10/16/2011 08:58 pm

posts: 0

Do not just stay away, but stay far away.

First, the possible repercussions for this are huge. Depending on his age there are possible legal repercussions, and there are certainly personal repercussions, which you're probably aware of.

Second, this won't do squat for his dating issues. If you want to help there, be a friend and talk to him. P4P is not a substitute for real relationships.
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