Where to get better than HJ from someone under 35?

In 'Chicago Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by daty1975

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01/07/2010 02:24 pm

posts: 0

I'm curious if anyone knows any good suburb locations where you can get more than HJ from someone in her 20's of good quality?

I've been to 7th heaven and you can get a hottie but the ones who let you really play around are usually booked up.

The only other place where I seem to have found any really good looking younger(relative term) girls is Violet spa but thats way to far from the NW burbs for me :->
01/07/2010 05:20 pm

posts: 0

Asian ladies around 35 in most cases look like they are 20 somethings. So what you want is really an Asian girl who looks like she is 15?

If you are hard and fast on your age rule, you will miss some beautiful ladies as they look 10-15 years younger than they actually are. So if you think a girl is in her 20's and or she says she is, chances are you need to add 10-15years to that.

01/07/2010 08:12 pm

posts: 0

Rock is right on this point. I am always fooled by the girls' age. Just this week I was with a girl I was positive was early 20s and she told me she is 33. Another girl who I see regularly told me she is 35 and I would have sworn she was in her early 20s. I have a couple of other regulars who look like they are late 30s. I do not want to ask their ages, but I'd have to guess late 40s to early 50s just based on how much younger asian women appear to be.

Can't tell anyone about their own tastes and preferences, but I think by aiming for very young asian girls you may be cheating yourself out of some excellent service by older and more experienced women who will still appear to be the age you seek.

Just some advice from someone who has been around for quite a while. Take it or leave it.
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