Need relationship help

In 'Atlanta General Talk'

by Mattddy

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03/19/2021 11:01 pm

posts: 1

Basically I'm looking for a one night stand but with cuddlingI (M21) got out of a relationship a few months ago that took a long time to even start to get over. In an effort to get over my ex I started a list of things she would never do/let me do(buy things, do activities she hated, go fun places etc). I'm down to 2 last things now and having a one night stand is next on the list(last things being start a new relationship). I'd specifically like one night with someone new to try new positions and spend a while cuddling, since she hated both(weird I like cuddling more that she did ). I'm on the younger side,21, tall, not horrible to look at, thin/athletic build and I'm funny so the least you will get is a good laugh. if you're interested send me an email and I'll send you my number or something.
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