any vietnamese coffee shops in sacramento?

In 'Rancho Cordova Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by alterego1776

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11/19/2011 01:54 am

posts: 0

Ok, imagine a starbucks where one can smoke mixed in with hooters type girls(all asian though) and a pinch of a seedy strip club. That's a vietnamese coffee shop. I found out that there a lot of these little vietnamese coffee shops in the south bay and orange county. They normally only frequented my asians, but I would love to go to one. Does anyone know if there is one in the Greater Sacramento area? If so please let me know.
11/19/2011 02:41 am

posts: 0

Haven't heard of one around Sac, but it sounds like the type of thing that would be found in a predominant asian community. For example, Fountain Valley in OC has "Little Siagon". San Francisco has "Chinatown". Probably gotta go to a city that has an abnormally large population of asians

(usually from 1 culture) to see that type of coffee shop.
11/19/2011 10:21 am

posts: 0

Have you reviewed any of these in the OC? Would like to try some out
11/19/2011 10:38 am

posts: 0

I've been to all three in San Jose. The best of the three is the Nyuyen Expresso. One or two of the girls leaves nothing to the imagination. They didn't tone down even after being busted by the cops. Though last time I was there was about a month and a half ago. I usually do the coffee shops as an appetizer then go to an fs parlor for the main course. I call it my sex drive when I go down to SJ, if that was all I'd go down there for.
11/20/2011 11:22 am

posts: 0

I checked out yelp and found a few in North OC. It seems like these places a strictly eye candy only, nothing wrong with that. Have you ever been to one that was more than eye candy, especially here in the OC or LA?
11/21/2011 11:43 am

posts: 0

I've never been, I just found out these places exist. I'm thinking to start asking mp girls if they know any local coffee shops.
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