stories about good or bad experiences

In 'Los Angeles Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by beck7

Incorrect credentials.
06/29/2011 05:17 pm

posts: 8

06/30/2011 11:30 am

posts: 17

The usual bad experiences I had was when the masseuse rush the session, especially when I paid for the hour. She made it a 30 minutes session instead. This happened at United Health Chiropractic. I usually like vietnamese masseuse, but this place just cost too much.
06/30/2011 04:48 pm

posts: 8

when the masseuse leaves you in the room to get ready. do you completely nude or just underwear? cuz i been just going in my boxers
06/30/2011 04:51 pm

posts: 35

You can go either way, If Its a legit place, I usually go with a boxer if I'm hoping more than a massage then take off your boxer no-one would stop you even if its a legit place unless they have a strict policy.
06/30/2011 07:37 pm

posts: 8

" sir please put on your underwear !!!"
06/30/2011 10:01 pm

posts: 8

another question how to you ask your masseuse for the HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras?
how much to tip?
07/01/2011 03:06 am

posts: 8

07/15/2011 12:30 pm

posts: 17

i would tell them its to hot to wear my underwear in here,turn up the a/c!
11/29/2012 04:41 pm

posts: 6

Almost a year ago i was rejected due to the lady being sick and this is a place where i frequency visit.
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