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02/09/2009 02:07 am

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This topic refers to Massage Max
Massage Max picture

Has anyone seen the new girl at massage maX? was wondering if it was "mina"
02/16/2009 12:59 pm

posts: 0

well let me know if anyone see any new girls i know yoko works there but i was wondering what the New girls look like....
02/24/2009 01:27 am

posts: 0

I know of only two women who now work at Massage Max, Yoko and Sarah. I have had sessions with Yoko, who is the very definition of " hot ", but supposedly Sarah is smoking hot.

If there were reports of anyone new in January, that has to be false, because they were renovating then, and closed.
02/24/2009 01:57 pm

posts: 0

Some one know Sarah. I want to know how she looks and . Thanks
03/05/2009 12:46 pm

posts: 0

Here is the scoop! There are two girls working at Massage Max. June is the Mamasan and is a very sweet and pretty for her age Korean. She however is def not a working girl. Had a 20 min conversation with here waiting for Yoko.

Yoko told me that at this time she is the only girl working there. She said its too slow to hire another girl. Might hire another girl soon but as of right now she is the only one.
03/05/2009 01:04 pm

posts: 0

OK OK Enough about Yoko. I'm headed to Scottsdale this weekend. There's something mentally wrong with me. All you Goldwater bastards have me in love with this girl already. Yoko & chicka fillet are my top 2 priorities & the Puerto Rican girl I'm going to see is super fine & she's now at the bottom of the list.
03/19/2009 02:29 am
03/26/2009 06:46 am

posts: 0


The photos of Sarah make her look positively average compared to Yoko....have you seen or had sessions with Yoko?
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