Beer Bars: The Likes and Dislikes

In 'Pattaya Beach Beer Bars'

by thecat

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12/31/1969 07:00 pm

posts: 21

Beer bars have advantages and disadvantages like any other sex venue here in Pattaya. I find the beer bar girls are a little more down to earth than the Go Go bar girls. Yes, it is true that the Go Go bars have some of the most outrageuous looking girls inside with incredible bodies and looks but the warmth is not there most of the time.
Its more of a relaxed atmosphere when sitting in an open beer bar. For example, you can sit and watch not only the girls working in the beer bar you are in but you can watch all the other beer bar girls that are working in the nearby bars or passing by as they walk to their bars they work at. Its the best show in town. Drinks are somewhat cheaper than the Go Go bars being that there is no air conditioning or expensive light shows or the rent to the bar may not be as high so prices are lower.
However beer bars can be hot as it is outside with no air con. A breezy night makes it more enjoyable.
Bad things are that you can not see the girls body from head to toe as you can inside a Go Go bar. Beer bar girls tend to not have those great bodies that the Go Go girls have and they usually have had at least one baby.
Girls that come into town from far away provinces can get a job instantly at a beer bar as the requirements are not as strict as the Go Go bars.
You can find a real sweetie pie in a beer bar because of her being "green" or new in the business and she will not know all the tricks the girls use to extract the money from your wallet.
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