Local Expert on Medellin

In 'Cartagena General Talk'

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12/31/1969 07:00 pm

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Medellin is a fantastic city all around. It has beautiful scenery, modern facilities, and an abundance of hot women. In this guide we will give you details about traveling there and how to make the best of your adult vacation while visiting bars, discos, strip clubs, massage parlors, brothels, and other hot spots. Are you ready? Well let's get started...

Traveling to Medellin is fairly easy. The main airport serving Medellin is MDE, and it is located about 30 to 40 minutes away from Medellin itself. Once you arrive at the airport and collect your bags you can rent a car, take a taxi, or jump on a bus. We recommend you take a taxi, and if you go with this option the one-way taxi ride will cost around $30. You can also take a bus for $7 to downtown, and then you will have to take a taxi for another $5 to $10 to get to your hotel. But if it is your first time, just take a taxi and be safe. If you are on a bus you have to worry about things being stolen.

The currency in the Colombian is the Colombian peso, and it is has been running about 1800 pesos to the dollar for the past few years. You will be able to exchange your money at the airport or any of the banks around. Several of the nice restaurants and hotels will also accept the US dollar as well, but we recommend that you just use the Colombian currency instead.

The most common way to obtain cash in Medellin is through the ATM machines, and you can find these all over Medellin. However, one thing to keep in mind is that most of the banks limit your withdrawal to a maximum of 300,000 or 400,000 thousand pesos ($160 to $220) per withdrawal. Citibank however will allow you to take out 700,000 ($388) each withdrawal, and using them will save you on international transaction costs.
Also credit cards are easy to use in Medellin, and most restaurants, stores, and hotels will readily accept Visa, MasterCard, or Amex. But if you are using a credit card, never allow anyone to walk away with your card. Make sure they do the transaction in front of you so you keep your card safe.

There are many hotel choices in Medellin, with prices ranging from $15 per night all the way to $300+ per night. To find a decent place with three stars or better you can expect to pay around $75. The cheapest hotels are in downtown Centro, and they are pretty bad and in bad areas. Also we do not recommend that you stay in downtown centro, because it is not the safe, and really it is not a nice area to walk around. Also, you will NOT see many (if any) hot women in downtown Medellin. For the most part, hot women do not go in downtown centro. They just stay in the nice sections of the city.

The nicest part of the Medellin is Poblado, and in this area you will find the best hotels, restaurants, clubs, and discos. Also this is the place where you will see the most attractive women walking around both during the day and at night. Hotels in Poblado mostly start at $70 and go up to $300. Three hotels that we can recommend in Poblado are the Plaza Rosa ($70 to $90), Diez Hotel ($90 to $120), and Orange Hotel ($70 to $90). Plaza Rosa is equivalent to a 3 star hotel in the USA, and Diez Hotel is equivalent to a nice 4 star hotel in the USA. Orange hotel on the other hand has full apartments with separate bedrooms, kitchens, and family rooms. In our opinion Orange hotel is the best option if you are staying longer than just a day or two. Also, there are several 5 star hotels in Poblado as well if you do not mind spending the money. The San Fernando Plaza hotel in Poblado is excellent, as is the Charlee hotel as well.

Another part of Medellin that is popular for foreign travelers is Laureles, and in this area most things are cheaper, including hotels and restaurants. You can expect to find many hotels in between $40 to $100, and your accommodations will closely resemble what you pay. The $40 hotels will be similar to a $40 hotel in the USA, but you can find some decent places for $60 and $100. To find these hotels have a taxi driver take you to 70's Avenue (Avenida Setenta), and you will see many of them on this strip one after the other.

We recommend that you just take a taxi everywhere you go, because they are plentiful and cheap and everywhere. Taxis in Medellin have meters and the most rides cost around $5. Some of the more expensive taxi fares in the city will be $10, but it is rarely higher than that. Also in Medellin there is a fantastic subway system as well. For the most part the subway is safe, but you need to be more cautious on the subway system.

You may be surprised to learn that food in Medellin is not so cheap and the prices are pretty close to what you will find in any US city. The nicest restaurants in Medellin are going to be found in Poblado, around Parque Llaris (pronounced Parkay Jaris), and around La Strada. Meals in these restaurants are going to be US prices with meals costing from $8 to $20 depending on what you order, and beers at these restaurants will typically cost $4 to $6. As mentioned earlier, if you are staying in Laureles you will find some cheaper options for food as well.
Also the street food, small vendors, and hot dog type stands around can be pretty good as well. And from what we have found it is generally safe, but if you are only there for a few days you might not want to risk it.

If you look up Medellin on the internet you will see it is listed as one of the world's most dangerous cities. But do not let this scare you. Here is the deal. This really only pertains to the Downtown Centro area where we already warned you not to stay. If you stay in Poblado or Laureles, the crime rate is pretty low actually, and you will see many police around patrolling the areas. On the main streets in Poblado or Laureles, you can pretty much feel free to walk around day or night, but of course you still need to be careful.

Now if you go the red light district of Zona Rojo, this is dangerous and you really should not go alone. Areas like this are the reasons why Medellin is always on the list as one of the most dangerous cities in the world. So you really need to be careful in these areas, especially at night.

The primary language in Medellin is Spanish, and not many people speak English. This can be a challenge, but if you study some Spanish before you go, and if you are also have a translator, then you should do ok. If you have a smart phone like and iphone, the best thing to do is to purchase internet for your phone and then use Google translate when you are communicating. Again, it can be difficult, but if you put some effort into learning a few words, and if you use a translator, you should be ok.

In Medellin you have several options for paid sex. You can visit a Massage parlor where is sex is normally included in the house fee; you can visit a strip club where sex is available in the back rooms; you can visit a brothel where sex is the only thing on the menu; and then you can pick up a girl at one of the red light districts or even in a bar, disco or park. At the end of the day, no matter what you are looking for, you should be able to find it here in Medellin without much problem.

All strip clubs in Medellin act as brothels, where sex is available on location for cash. The prices and quality of these clubs vary greatly, and mostly depend on the location. For example, the clubs in downtown centro are fairly cheap and you can have sex on location for as little as $20, but these places are not that nice, and the girls are not that attractive. The higher end clubs in Barrio Colombia or in San Diego are quite a bit more expensive, but for the most part the girls are hot.

Two clubs that we recommend in Medellin are Bar Isla and Fase 2 (pronounced Fa Zay Dos). Both of these clubs have a cover charge of 10,000 pesos (around $5.50) and the beers generally cost around $10, so things can add up pretty quickly. But a great thing about these clubs are you can have sex with the girls on location for around $100 a pop. If you want to take a girl out all night you will need to negotiate with the girl and the manager, but you can expect to pay around $200 to $250 for all night.

Erotic massage parlors are all over Medellin, and really they are just brothels with fancy names. In the massage parlors, a massage, bh, and sex are almost always included in the one price. Like most things in Medellin, the quality and price is really going to depend on the area of Medellin that you are in, with the cheaper and lower class places being in the Downtown Centro area, and the more expensive higher class places being around Laureles or Poblado.

First the massage places in downtown Centro, places like Sarita, New Life, Aiffe, and Coffee shop are pretty similar. None of these places have signs on the outside, so you will need to have an address to find them. Then, once you walk in they normally have 8 or more girls to choose from, and finding a girl you like is really going to be hit or miss depending on your tastes. The rooms and the facililies are not going to be that nice in the downtown area, but the prices are cheap right around $30 to $35 for an hour of massage and sex. Four places that we can recommend that are decent are New Life, Aiffe, Chicas Angeles De Fuego and Zandaly. In each of these places we found decent girls and the rooms were decent as well. But in general, the places downtown are lower quality and hit or miss.

Now if you are looking for something a little nicer and classier, and if you want rooms with a nice atmosphere, then we can recommend that you try some of the places around Poblado or Laureles. In Poblado there is Lejano Orinte and close to Laureles is Energy. These places have very nice facilities, and the women are very attractive. The prices are a little higher with Lejano costing around $100 for 1 hour and Energy costing around $60 for an hour, but it is well worth it if you want a nice massage from a nice girl in a clean upscale place.

In addition to the massage places above, there are also several brothels in Medellin, where a massage is not even on the menu. For example, the Stone House in the downtown area is a nice place with a posh waiting area, fantastic rooms, and beautiful women. The prices in here are much higher than the massage places downtown, with an hour costing around $80 (you may be able to negotiate a little and get them down to $60 or so), but for the downtown area the place is high end. Then another place that stands out is the Blue room close to Laureles. In the blue room they also have very nice rooms as well and the girls are beautiful. An hour in here with a girl is around $60. And the last place that stands out is Lutron in Poblado Heights. This is without a question the nicest place all of Medellin. When you walk in Lutron it is like entering a private museum. They have a guard at the entrance, a beautiful foyer with hard wood floors, high ceilings, fancy artwork on the walls, and posh furniture. Then the rooms in Lutron are like rooms that you would expect a high end hotel, and the women are all drop dead gorgeous. Really, most of the women in here could be easily be models and the price for one hour with a girl in Lutrons is $105. It is well worth it if you do not mind spending a few extra bucks.

In Medellin there are 2 major red light districts and many small areas where you will find freelancers looking for business. The two biggest red light districts are Mayorista and Zona Rojo.

Zona Rojo is in the downtown area and you will find girls 24 hours a day. You are not going to find the hottest Colombian girls here, but you will find cheap girls here for sure, with most girls asking for around $20 to $30 for 1 hour. Some girls will even accept $10 for an hour. One word of warning though, Zona Rojo is not that safe, especially at night. So if you want to venture to this red light district, it isnot advised that you go there alone.

Mayorista is another red light district close to Itagui. This place is quite a bit nicer and safer than Zona Rojo, but it is still lower class and the girls are hit or miss. They also have girls there 24 hours a day, but the busiest times are from 10:00pm to 3:00am.

Another place to find girls is on the streets in Barrio Colombia, not far from the best strip club in the area Fase 2. You will find many street girls here, lined up ready and willing to go with you for cash. These street girls will normally ask for $20 to $30 for 1 hour, and you can negotiate on both price and time.

In Medellin there are many non pro freelancers as well as high end freelancers, and the term most often used in Colombia for these girls is prepagos or prepaids. These girls can be college students looking for extra money, girls that work at retail stores and just want to make extra cash, as well as high quality model types that you will see all dressed up at the night clubs.

Now although there are many prepagos in Medellin, it can be hard to find them if you do not know where to look. The best way to find prepagos, especially the college student type, is actually through networking and talking to people. You can ask the door guys at the discos, your male waiter at the restaurants, you can ask taxi drivers and even the people at the hotel where you are staying at. You simply tell these people that you are looking for company and ask them if they know any nice women. Prepagos are generally not the pay per hour kind of girls, but they will give you more of a girlfriend experience, spending several hours with you or possibly even the entire night if you want them to.

Another great way to find prepagos is to go to the discos and bars at night, especially the late night places like Farenhiet or Palmaia. Again, it is not going to be easy to pick them out of the crowd, but if you strike up some conversations you should be able to find what you are looking for. Also, the bartenders, door guys, and waiters can be a great asset to help you find some company for the night if you ask them.

The price for prepagos vary greatly. Some of the not so attractive girls may be happy with just $75 or $100, but the norm for a college type girl is around $150 to $200. The high end model type of girls that you can sometimes find a the discos will often times want $300 or more for their time, and it really just depends on the situation and the night.

Medellin is a fantastic place to meet women, as they are very open to communicating with and meeting foreign men from all countries and cultures. You can meet women during the day on the street, in and around the parks, in the malls, and of course in the clubs and discos. The women in Colombia are very nice and very approachable; very sweet and sincere, and very open to engaging with men. Let us give you a few pointers.

The best places to meet women during the day is everywhere in Poblado, along 70's Avenue in Laureles, and around the nice areas of Envigado. The malls are also an option as well. The women are not going to approach you, so you cannot be shy. You will need to approach them, but remember, women in Medellin are approachable and rarely will you get a cold shoulder. One of the best techniques for approaching women is to ask her for directions. This is a non invasive way to start a conversation. Ask her for directions to a store, ATM, or anything and start your conversation. Then keep it brief and ask for her number. Tell her you will call or text her later. If she is not interested she will politely give you an excuse, but more often than not you will be able to get a phone number so you can plan something for a later date.
Meeting women at night in the clubs and discos is fairly easy, and the best approach is just to ask her to dance. The girls in Medellin love to dance, and will most often dance with you if they are free. Dancing is actually part of the culture in Colombia, and it is the way they love to let loose and have some fun. Even if you do not know how to dance or dance well, then do not worry. The girls will be more than happy to teach you, and you can use this time to build some rapport with the girls. From there it is up to you to get her phone number and set something up for later.

Are the girls in Medellin easy? Well the answer is yes and no. Yes it is easy to meet women, but no, it is not easy to sleep with them on the first night. Most Colombian women love sex and they have a reputation for being hot Latin lovers, but that does not mean that they give it up easily and right away. This seems to be a cultural issue more than anything else, and it seem like the decent girls are taught not to sleep with men on the first date regardless of how much they like you. After one or two dates however, then everything seems to be fair game. So you just need to plan on at least two or three dates, and then as long as you can push the right buttons you should be successful.

Medellin is a fantastic place to party and meet beautiful women. If you want to bang hot girls for pay, there are many beautiful women to choose from. If you desire to find that college girl who will treat you like a girlfriend for the night, then find a prepago who needs to make some money. And then if you just want to go to the clubs to try to find women without paying, you might be pleasantly surprised to see what is in store for you. The options are endless in Medellin, and it is one of our favorite destinations in South America.
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