Local Expert on Cartagena

In 'Buga General Talk'

by admin

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12/31/1969 07:00 pm

posts: 13

Cartagena is a great place to go if you want to party with hot Colombian prostitutes. Girls from all over the country come here to meet guys and make money. Some of these girls are full time professionals that make Cartagena their home, while others are regular girls who rarely do this, but just want to make some extra cash. Also there are some girls who come to Cartagena to work in the strip clubs for a few only a few weeks or a few months at a time. So regardless of what you are looking or, there are tons of working girls in Cartagena who are ready, willing, and able to party with foreign guys who will give them some cash.

In this guide we are going to give you some details on where to these girls. Do you want to know what beach the freelance girls hang out at? Are you interested to know what discos or bars have the hottest working girls? Do you want to know about the strip clubs? Or maybe you are interested in finding regular non-working girls. Well in this guide we will be sharing the answers to these questions and more. So grab yourself a coffee or a beet, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading this guide on the monger scene in Cartagena Colombia.

Chances are you are going to be flying into Cartagena CTG. Once you arrive and get your bags, there will be plenty of taxis ready to take you wherever you need to go. The taxi ride is not too far at all, and the normal fair is around $15 to $20 to take you to most hotels in Cartagena. Rental cars are available at the airport, but we advise you leaving the driving up to the taxis. There are tons of Taxis around and they are very cheap.

The currency in the Colombian is the Colombian peso, and it is has been running about 1800 pesos to the dollar now, and has for the past few years. You will be able to exchange your money at the airport or at any of the banks around the city once you arrive. Many of the nice restaurants and hotels will also accept the US dollar as well, but we recommend that you just use the Colombian currency during your visit.
The most common way to obtain cash in Cartagena is through the ATM machines, and you can find these all over the place. Also credit cards are easy to use and most restaurants, stores, and hotels will readily accept Visa, MasterCard, or Amex. If you are using a credit card however, never allow anyone to walk away with your card. In the USA might be used to handing your credit card to the waiter and letting them run it without you watching, but in Colombia you should always have an eye on your credit card and make nothing funny is going on. So make sure they do all transactions in front of you.

There are many hotels in Cartagena, and the prices vary depending on what time of year you travel there. If you go during peak season (December or January) the average price for a hotel is around $300, and even a low quality 1 star hotel will be $100 or more during the peak season. If you go during the off peak season the average price comes down to around $150, and there are many decent places where you can stay for around $70 per night.
As far as the best places to stay in Cartagena, well Bocagrade is the highest class area, and many people like to stay there. They have several high end hotels like Hotel Caribe and the Hilton. Also you will find that many people rent out nice apartments as well. Another nice area to stay is inside the walled city in old downtown Cartagena. Here you will find many options if you go to any of the hotel sites, however there are fewer apartments for rent inside the walled city. In either of these two places you will be close to most of the action and you will be safe as they have lots of police around.

As mentioned earlier, we recommend that you just take a taxi everywhere you go. Taxis are cheap and only cost you a few dollars, around $4 to $5, to go just about anywhere you need in old downtown Cartagena (the walled city) and in Bocagrande. When you to travel out too some of the strip clubs in Bosque or Bomba del Amparo the taxi fair can get up to $10 each way, but that is for a 20 or $30 minute ride. Also note, unlike most other cities in Colombia, taxis in Cartagena do not have meters. So you have to negotiate the price before you start to move.

There are many restaurants all over in Cartagena, and the prices are similar to US tourist destinations. Expect decent meals to cost around $8 to $15 in average restaurants, and $20 or more in nice places. If you want to eat cheap there are many street vendors especially in the walled city where you can buy food for just a few dollars. The street vendors seem to be safe and you will see many tourists eating the food without problems, but if you have a sensitive stomach you might want to stay away.

Cartagena is the safest city in all of Colombia and it probably even safer than most US or UK cities. But still, you need to use your head because crime can happen anywhere. So keep an eye out and you should be safe.

Also be wary that police have spot checks all over the place in Cartagena. Not just on the road but also on foot, and at any time they stop people and check to see if they have anything illegal on them. This is just a word of caution to help you stay out of trouble. It is not advised to walk around with illegal things in your pockets.

The primary language in Cartagena is Spanish, but since Cartagena is such a big tourist city, you will people a lot people that speak English as well. Most people that work at the hotels, the waiters and the restaurants, and many of the working girls have a good grasp of English. As for the prostitutes, you can generally tell how long they have been prostitutes based on how much English they know. If they cannot speak any, then they are probably new, but if they speak fluent English, they probably have been doing this a while...
Here is one suggestion that we have, and it only works if you have a smart phone like an iphone or an android. Simply purchase the internet plan for the week or month or however long you will be there for, and then use google translate. This works great and can really help you a lot with your communication.

The main sex venue in Cartagena is without a doubt hooking up with freelance girls. There are more freelancers in Cartagena than anywhere else in Colombia. You will see them on the beach, in the street, in the clubs, in restaurants, and really everywhere. Tons of girls from all over Colombia are here to make money. As mentioned before, some are professional and others are just in town for a few weeks to make a few extra bucks.

For those who like establishments, there are also several strip clubs in Cartagena as well. However, if you are looking for an erotic massage parlor you might be disappointed to find out that they are not here. I am not sure why, but what they lack in organized massage places, they defiantly make up for in it the availability of freelance girls ready willing and able to give you a massage, bj, or anything else that you might want or need.

Hollywood beach is the place you want to go if you are interested in meeting freelance working girls during the day on the beach. The location of Hollywood beach is easy to find. Just go to hotel Caribe in Bocagrande, and the beach just across from the hotel is Hollywood beach, and this is the place where you will find the working girls. Now this is a popular beach, and not all the girls are prostitutes, so be aware, but you should be able to find them if you follow these instructions below.

If you see girls alone or only with other girls and no guys in sight, chances are they are freelancers looking to make some cash. If you are not shy you can just approach them and start talking to them to find out. If they are freelancers they will be extremely happy to talk to you and becoming your best friend or girlfriend after only 3 seconds. If you are shy or do not want to approach girls you can always ask one of the guys working the beach, and normally they will help you find some girls if you tell them there is a tip in it for them. They know where the freelance girls are.

The working girls on Hollywood beach will gladly sit and hang out with you for no charge as long as you are buying the drinks, food, and having fun. In fact, many guys just go to Hollywood beach to have a good time and meet girls so they can get phone numbers and make plans for later in the night. And the girls are completely cool with that. They will just be super friendly and will be hoping that you will spend money on them during your trip.

So let's say you meet a girl on the beach and you want to help her out of the g-string bikini in your hotel room, hmmmmmm. How much money will she want? Well this is a good question. First you have to remember all these girls are freelancers, and prices really are not set. Also some of the girls are not full time professionals, but they are just trying to make some money. So with all of the variables, the prices really are all over the place and is up for negotiation. But the average price for say 1 hour with a girl you meet on the beach seems to be between 150,000 pesos to 250,000 pesos ($80 to $140), depending on the girl. Nevertheless, some extremely hot girls may want a lot more than that, and some not so attractive girls will go for a lot less. So it really just depends on the girl. Also, if you are interested in having a girl spend all day and all night with you, then the normal asking price seems to be between $200 and $350.

Dulce Vita, located just down the street from Hotel Caribe and Hollywood beach, is the only pure freelance bar in Cartagena right now. What we mean by pure freelance bar is simply that 99% of the girls that are here are only here for one thing, to make money. The doors open here around 10:00pm and starts filling up soon afterwards with all kinds of freelancers from all over Colombia. Also you should know, you will find some of the hottest freelancers in Cartagena here.

The girls seem to ask for quite a bit more money in this bar than in other locations around Cartagena, and this is definitely true when you are talking to super hot girls. It is not unusual for a girl to ask for $300 for just a few hours, and based on what we saw the really super hot girls are probably getting this on occasion. But most girls will go with a customer for around $150 or so. Some girls in here will even go with guys for $100 or less depending on the situation and the girls.

Dulce Vita will stay open until around 3:00am, and you will normally always find girls in here when it is open. The best times however are between 11:30 and 12:30 or so. Then after 12:30 many of the girls will disperse to one of the many discos in town.

The next hot spot with a high concentration of freelancers is the well known clock tower. Between the hours of 9:00pm and 3:00am you will find girls here. This is a prominent structure in old downtown and it very easy to find when you are inside the walled city. In front of the clock tower is where you will find a few lady boys and gays, and behind the clock tower you will see many freelancers. Now the crowd here will be mixed, as this is a tourist spot also. You will see horse and buggies, vendors, and you will see a lot of working girls. These girls are not hard to miss either, as they will be wearing high heels and winking at all the men. Now depending on the time you are there, you will likely see between 20 girls and 80 girls. They will be sitting on the benches, hanging outside the entrance to Tu Candela, and just walking around waiting for guys to talk to them.

As for the prices here, well on average it is a lot less expensive than the girls at Dulce Vita. The average price here is going to be between $50 to $120 for an hour or two, and between $150 and $250 for all night. But again, these are freelancers and everything is up for negotiation.

There are many cool discos and bars in Cartagena, but there are only a few to take note of specifically if you are looking for freelancers. The first bar we want to tell you about is Tu Candela Bar, just inside the Clock Tower where all the freelancers are hanging out. This bar opens around 9:00pm and starts to pick up around 10:00 or so. Many of freelancers will be hanging outside the bar waiting for guys to take them in and buy them drinks. Then there will be many freelancers already inside, mostly around the bar area. You will need to start a few conversations to find out who is working and who is not, but if a girl is without a guy in here, chances are she is available. Two other bars on each side of Tu Candela is Fidel to the left and Alzotea to the right. You can find girls in these bars also, but it is hit or miss and there is no guarantees. Most of the working girls in this area are partying at Tu Candela bar.

Another bar with a lot of working girls in Cartagena is Barbar. This place is not far from the clock tower in old downtown Cartagena, and I would say that a good 10% to 20% of the girls in here are for hire. It is not always easy to distinguish the working girls from the non working girls, but again if you see girls without men there is a good chance they are working. You will need to talk to them and possibly buy them drinks.

A couple other bars to mention are the higher end discos like Fragma and Dr. Babilia. These places are a quite a bit more expensive with cover charges ranging from $6 to $17 and higher drink prices as well. Most of the people in these bars are tourists and there is no sure deal on finding working girls in here at any given time. But if you hang out at the bar area long enough, you will have a good chance of meeting the kind of girl you are looking for. Also a note, if you do find some working girls in these bars they are going to be expecting more money as well.

Then the last bar we want to tell you about is one of the most significant bars for finding freelancers. Elektra is the after hours bar in old downtown, and it does not open until 3:00am when all of the other bars close. Then at about 3:30 or 4:00am it really starts hopping when all the girls start showing up. Now it is not 100% working girls like Dulce Vita, but it is safe to say that probably 90% of the girls in here are available for hire. You should note that you can get some very good deals in here with some of the hotties, and the later it gets the better the deals are. Also it is one of the best places to find a girl who will stay with you for all night.

Although Cartagena is really known for its freelance scene, there are still some strip clubs and Brothels that you can go to as well. There are about 10 establishments in town, but most of them are a 20 or 30 minute taxi ride from old downtown or from Bocagrande. These places are located in Bosque or Bomba Del Amparo. There is however, one of the best strip clubs in Cartagena located in the walled city not far from the clock tower.

First let's talk about the strip clubs in Bosque. There are 3 very nice places here, Casa Pariso Marina, Luxor, and Pleyclub. All three of these places have a decent layout, a bar area, and hot girls. In Casa Pariso Marina you will see they have a swimming pool, restaurant and dining area, pool tables, as well as a stage area where the girls will strip. If you want to have sex with a girl in here it will cost you around $100, and if you want to take a girl out all night it will cost around $250. Both Luxor and Pleyclub are very nice also with similar prices, however these clubs do not have a pool or dining area.

Another place where you will find a cluster of strip clubs is Bomba Del Amparo. This is about 30 minute taxi ride from old downtown and it is not as popular with the tourists, but this is a good thing because the prices are much cheaper here also, almost half. Now I will say that on average the girls in here are not as hot as the girls in the other clubs, but most of the time you will find some good looking girls in here as also. The prices for girls here is $40 to $50 for 30 minutes on location, or approximately $130 to $150 to take a girl out all night.
Now the best strip club in all of Cartagena at the present time is Isis, located inside the walled city in old downtown Cartagena. This place is very nice and upscale, but you are going to pay quite a bit more for drinks and girls. To have sex with a girl here on location will cost you $130 and to take her out all night is $250. But remember, these are some of the hottest girls in town.

For those guys on a very tight budget, there are a few sections of old downtown where you can find extremely cheap street girls that will go with any guy for $10 to $15. These girls are kind of homely, but if you are on a tight budget they are available. The names of these two sections are La Coponara and La Media Luna. Both of these places are in the old downtown area not far from the clock tower. You will just need to ask around for directions or jump in a taxi to see for yourself. But remember, the $10 girls are pretty homely. Don't say we did not warn you...

There are many things about Cartagena that is great, but this certainly is not one of them. In all of Colombia, Cartagena is the worse place to meet regular non-prostitute women. It seems like prostitution has gone deep into the culture here, and that is a good thing if you just want to get laid and pay for it, but it is a bad thing if you are looking to pick up some women who are not expecting money. Almost all of the women in Cartagena fit into one of three categories. Either they are affluent foreign tourists, they are with a guy already who brought them there, or they are prostitutes wanting to make some money. Now of course there are some exceptions to this, and you could try to set up some dates on the dating websites, but overall we have to give Cartagena a thumbs down in regards to meeting regular girls. You are much better off in Medellin, Cali, Pereira or Bogota if you want to meet and have fun with non-working girls who are not only looking for money.

Cartagena is a fantastic vacation destination if you like beautiful beaches, great discos, and partying with hot prostitutes. It is not our recommended destination if you are looking to date or party with regular girls though, but it is certainly worth checking out.
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